K-Video - Depositions by Certified Legal Video Specalists in Phoenix, AZ
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Video Deposition

Why Videotape?

Videotaping depositions captures the nonverbal expressions that are so much a part of true communication. A witness’s smiles,
grimaces or nervous twitching are all caught on camera and can totally change the interpretation of what is being said. Television,
YouTube, and the DVD have made us a visual society. Merely reading testimony does not impact a jury or opposing counsel like
video does. Video depositions are more memorable and authoritative.

Certainly, video depositions are valuable when a witness’s testimony would otherwise be unavailable for trial.
They can also reduce the high cost of expert testimony by eliminating travel costs and time.

video deposition

Video depositions can assist in evaluating a witness’s demeanor and believability. Use video feedback to prepare a witness for trial testimony. Video clearly shows exhibits such as x-rays, photos, graphs, models, equipment, etc. Finally, a video clip can dramatically impeach a witness at trial. Or it can be used to catch a reaction from one witness when showing testimony (perhaps countering) from another witness in the same case.

Interview of a client

Preparing a Witness for Legal Video Deposition

A jury’s first impression of a witness is critical in determining how that witness’s testimony will be interpreted and whether it will be believed. A witness should be dressed professionally to maximize credibility. Avoid wearing red, solid white or busy patterns. Jewelry, t-shirts with messages and anything with logos can be divisive. The witness will need to wear a clip-on microphone, so it is best to have a collar, tie or lapel on which to place it.

The demeanor of the witness is also important in conveying a positive message to the jury. It is important for the subject to remain relaxed and composed during the video deposition. Excessive shifting from side to side, or rocking in a chair, makes the subject appear nervous and can effect the perceived credibility of the witness. A stationary chair is best.

The witness should be careful not to cover the clip-on microphone with their hands or papers. All participants should power off cell phones, not just put them on silent mode as the data smart-phones send & receive will create audible noise interference on the recorded audio. Take care not to place laptops, cups, binders and other objects in the line of sight of the video camera.

An experienced legal video production and post-production agency will help to make sure that the video deposition will be done professionally.

Zoom & Remote Video Streaming

Would you like to participate in high quality video conference depositions without leaving your office? Do you need an expert in Zoom to guide you? Web-based technology has made it easier than ever to allow attorneys and witnesses in widespread locations to take part in depositions without traveling. K-Video offers simple, cost-effective video streaming solutions from start to finish.

We take care of all the logistics and hosting. We can conduct conferences with any number of parties and devices. Call-in numbers will also be provided for anyone wanting to participate by phone.

video conferencing